

  • Five Rings Centers International, Inc. Founder
  • AJWBA, Founder, Kancho/Founder
  • Yoshin Ryu Sogo-Bujutsu (Samurai Jujutsu), Founder
  • Kuki Ryu Ninpo, Founder
  • ShodoShima Ryu Karate, Soke (inheritor)
  • Kimbisa Yoga, Founder

    “During my training in the arts of the esoteric,  and the development and research of my higher consciousness, I asked my spirit (true consciousness of self) for the significance of my last night with you 45 years of studies in the martial arts and esoteric arts, and only a sweet and gentle laughter was the response; then what seemed to be seconds (few hours in the physical realm), I was told I had much work to do, for I have given ‘rebirth’ to two children (a male and a female) and that I must stand with the truth and resolved spirit to donate what is given.  This is the confirmation I much needed to continue my labor.

     I stand, not by my choice but by divine intervention as the next-generation father to my three children: Kuki Ryu Ninpo, Yoshin Ryu Sogo-Bujutsu, and my adopted son, Shodoshima Ryu Karate.

     Many thanks to my traveling companions, specially Master Kojihiro Yamamoto for being an inspiration and witness to this truth; thank you for trusting me with your family’s legacy as the next generation Soke.

     Hanzo Ariza-El. (dearly called Hanshi) is the FOUNDER to the AJWBA WORLD ORGANIZER – a global Not-For-Profit entity in charge of preserving the classical culture of old Asia as well as the evolution of mankind’s new consciousness (spiritual connectedness). The AJWBAs prime objective is to research, uphold and propagate the highest quality and truest form of Budo and esoteric arts.

    Hanshi Ariza-El is head to the Kuki Ryu Ninpo tradition and Yoshin Ryu Sogo-Bujutsu tradition in accordance with the documented history of the Kuki family and the Oriemon line.  He is thankful for the great work and continuous legacy entrusted to him but DOES NOT claim connection to any other fragmented historical accounts.

     Hanshi Ariza-El holds a Doctorate dissertation and a thesis for his PROFESSORSHIP to the Kuki Ryu Ninpo and the Yoshin Ryu Sogo-Bujutsu respectively and is the Soke (inheritor) to the Shodoshima Ryu Karate tradition.

     Hanshi is a Koudansha who holds a 9th Dan Red Belt and has studied 30 different Ryuha (21 schools of Ninja and 9 schools of Samurai).  His training, research, and historical analysis led him to focus on these three powerful yet most elegant traditions for his thesis for professorship and Doctorate Dissertation for Sokeship.

     These disciplines are taught worldwide through the mission of the AJWBA and the Five Rings Centers International, Inc., under his tutelage and guidelines.

     He was born in the capital of Santo Domingo on the Island of the Dominican Republic (Quisquella Island) on February 15th 1960+.  He was given the birth name of Nestor Ausberto Ariza Perez by his parents Carmen Maria Perez and Hipolito Martinez (Bolo). Growing up, he was part of a large family of 2 other brothers, 3 adopted sisters throughout the years.

     Hanshi has studied the martial arts religiously for over 45 years this 2/2018. He began his studies with Bando Kickboxing, long distance running, and Track & Field at around the age of 8 ½.  He went on to study Olympic Style Judo under a Russian native Olympic Champion.

     In the early 1980s, he trained an American Ninjutsu Concepts, which went on to earn him the Renshi title/4th Dan and. This hard-core military-style training experience lasted for nearly 20 years.

    In the late 1980s, during a ninja demonstration at Queens College in New York, he met Soke Shoto Tanemura of the Genbukan.  This was to become the most influential martial arts instructor leading to his earned black belt instructor degrees in several classical arts (Koryu) such as Ninpo Taijutsu (systemized Ninjutsu), classical Jujutsu, classical Biken Jutsu (swordsmanship), Rohkushyaku BojutsuHanbojutsu,  Juttejutsu and an extensive collection of other Karate, ninja and samurai  weapons and techniques.

     Hanshi has been inducted into several martial arts halls of fame.  He was a team member of the National Ninjutsu Team USA and was ranked champion in self-defense, weapons, forms, and fighting.

     For two consecutive years, he defended and held the Welter Weight Kickboxing title for New York State and went on to hold the Welter Weight Professional title in Maryland. He has choreographed and held lead key acting roles in several low-budget movies such as “Eye of the Storm”, “Black Cougar” and most recently, “The Forty-Third Chamber”.

     To is credit, he graduated twice with honors, receiving college degrees in Electrical Engineering/Telecommunications from Pratt University and Electro-Mechanical Engineering from the New York City University.

     After completing his education, he worked in his field of trade with NASA-GSFC as an Electronic Signal Processing Engineer. Following his years of service, he decided to shift all of his focus into his passion for the martial arts. He moved back to his hometown of Brooklyn, New York to pursue, on a full-time basis, his unwavering commitment to the martial arts.

     Hanshi also holds a Shihan-7th-degree black belt in Shinobi-Jutsu (Ninjutsu), 7th Dan in Jujutsu, 7th Dan in Kobujutsu  (Weaponry) from the late O’Sensei Ronald Duncan Sr.

     He has also earned a 5th Dan in Okinawa Kobujutsu, 5th Dan in Taijutsu, 4th Dan in American style Ninjutsu, 3rd Dan in Kempo-Tai Kwondo Karate from the late Ed Gross, 2nd Dan in Bando Kickboxing and 1st Dan in Judo.  He is also the master instructor to Kimbisa Yoga, based on the teachings handed down by the late guru, Swami Bua, who ascended on July 2010.

          Hanshi has worked as a bodyguard for a handful of celebrities, and personal fitness trainer to others.  He also worked for several years, as a registered professional bail enforcement agent (bounty hunter); he is also a certified personal security officer; and a registered ordained minister, a successful professional life-skills educator, holistic healer, spiritual guide, writer, lecturer, fight choreographer, entrepreneur and father, who enjoys sharing the same values and virtues (such as compassion, integrity and justice), passed on to him by his parents, Carmen Perez and Hipolito ‘Bolo’ Martinez.

     For 18 years, he held the status of personal-student and high ranking instructor under his teacher, Grandmaster Shoto Tanemura. He has been a licensed instructor in both the Genbukan World Ninpo Bugei Federation and the International Kokusai Jujutsu Federation.

      Hanshi is the founder and headmaster of the transparent and evolutionary AJWBA movement, the Five Rings Centers International, the PATT Project (ParaMilitar Tactical Training) which is based on offensive and defensive tactics designed for Police Tactical Squat, Special Forces  and Stealth Operations; and Kimbisa Yoga – based on a classical school of yoga from Swami Bua, dating back 5000 years.  He also founded the KASPER project, a highly innovative after-school program providing academic, sports, martial arts and intellectual challenges for minors.

     He was partly raised Catholic, studied and practiced Nichiren Daishonin Buddhist for nearly 20 years; Hinduism for eight years; ordained reverend, and a lifetime of study, research, and devotion to the mystical arts such as Palo Kimbisa.  He also studied Christianity for 1 1/2;  and did extensive researched on Kabbalah principles.  His ideals, sense of humanity and commitment to service fuel his deep commitment to his personal development, his students, the national and international martial arts community, and to the cosmic community at large. Through his dedication and his teachings, he continues to share his life and bring light to the world.has traveled to Japan, Korea, Mexico, Santo Domingo, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Bermuda, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru  and other parts of the world, sharing the knowledge passed on to him by his teachers and ‘spirit guides’.

     Today, Hanshi has truly lived to his credit as a Shinobi practitioner and Samurai scholar. He is a man of many trades. He is actively writing many books on the true essence of the Kuki Ryu Ninja clan and five others on the Yoshin Ryu Samurai clan.  In addition, he is in the process of releasing different series of historical, educational and instructional DVDs of the aforementioned traditions, yoga, meditation, the science of stretching and his Shodoshima Ryu Karate.  He is currently a New York Firefighter /Rescue and studying to become a Fire Marshal.

                               “My truest goal is to be able to serve the uplifting of our global community and inspire everyone I come in contact with, one person at-a-time.”

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Hanshi Ariza-El




     The dojo is a home for all our students and their families. There are no egos permitted in our school. Everyone is equal; the only difference between each individual is the length of time they have been training. Discipline, honor, and respect are what we stand by and teach. We are a structured school. We teach the old way [hard] and expect a lot from our students. We believe that the growth of character on confidence is because each student knows that they have worked hard. Our test is pass or fail, nothing is given to you. When students see their friends from other schools receive promotions quickly without compatible knowledge our students stand tall with dignity. They know the morals and values we as a school and martial artists believe in.

     He has dedicated his life to the Martial Arts. Professor Reinheimer holds the Title of [Kaicho][Grandmaster] [9th] degree black belt & a master of Reiki hand healing. He is also an [8th] degree black belt (Grandmaster) awarded under Grandmaster Professor George Dillman, Professor Wally Jay, Harry Smith, and Leo Fong. His main instructors were [Steve Taylor], [John Golden], [David W. Oha], [Bernard Collins], [Jackie Mole] & [George Dillman] at the present time. In our system, there are other black belt instructors but Professor Reinheimer is always on the dojo floor. teaching most of the classes. It is very rare to have the Grandmaster teaching you personally. Professor Richard Reinheimer has 44 years of Martial Arts experience and over 39 years of teaching experience.

       He is Doctor of Martial Arts with a Ph.D. in Martial Science from the University of Asian Martial Studies & has been inducted into both the United Martial Arts Association Hall of Fame & the Action Martial Arts Hall of Fame for [11] years in a row. He has dedicated his life to the Martial Arts and his students. He teaches and lives by what he stands for, loyalty, honor, respect, and discipline. Professor Reinheimer has master degrees in several different systems. He teaches [Okuno Ryu]Karate, Jujitsu and the anatomy of the body to strike specific pressure points. He believes these systems naturally blend together. Japanese Karate JuJitsu Systems has been offering instruction and training in (Okuno Ryu)(Karenzu-Kai) Karate & Ju-Jitsu since 1980. Headed by (Professor) Richard Reinheimer (Kaicho) (9th Dan) Japanese Karate JuJitsu Systems

Quaidabad Landhi Karachi # 75120 Pakistan offers instruction in internal and external Martial Science.






Shihan Ali Basharat holds a 7th dan black belt in Kyokushin kai Karate.  He is the Chief Master to the Ali Academy of Karate-do.

Master Ali is currently serving as the AJWBA Ambassador to the Pakistan Nation.  He oversees, serves, organizes, educates, directs, and administrates all affairs in his district of Karachi and Pakistan with the direct assistance of others like him.  Any individual and or martial arts organization trying to contact us from this nation should first contact Shihan Ali for specific directions as he is our major personal contact.

Master Ali has been in the martial arts for many years and is quite an accomplished instructor.





Master Chabane Akkache is currently serving as the AJWBA Ambassador to the Algerian Nation.  He oversees, serves, organizes, educates, directs, and administrates all affairs in his district of Tizi Ouzou and Algeria with the direct assistance of others like him.  Any individual and or martial arts organization trying to contact us from this nation should first contact Master Chabane for specific directions as he is our major personal contact.

Master Chabane has been in the martial arts for many years and is a 4th dan black belt in Chinese Boxing and 4th dan in Defense Methods (self-defense), a 3rd dan in Kickboxing and a 1st dan in Kempo.

Master is an accomplished young Master in coaching a kickboxing team and competition.





Master Tkachenko Evgeniy Valentinovich holds the title of Hanshi with an 8th dan black belt in Karate and martial arts weaponry (Kobudo). Master Tkachenko is currently serving as the AJWBA Ambassador to the Russian Nation.  He oversees, serves, organizes, educates, directs, and administrates all affairs in his district and Russia. with the direct assistance of others like him.  Any individual and or martial arts organization trying to contact us from this nation should first contact Master Tkachenko for specific directions as he is our major personal contact.

Master Tkachenko has been in the martial arts for 35 years. He graduated from the State Sports University (a specialist in physical culture and sports).

He has passed seminars and attestations from Japanese masters while in pursuit of self-development and true martial arts content.  He is an accomplished martial arts individual and had been was awarded the Cross Of Honor for development and achievements in the martial arts.