what is rightfully mine, is my IDENTITY and not of possesions but of birth right.  There is a constant revolution within my mind to claim the true self of my spirit – self realization = breaking away from all classifications, all attributes, all sense of self -imposed and posed upon me by my environment or those who see me with eyes of fear.  I am a FREE MAN for I realized that which defines ME is NOT who I am but WHAT IS I!  I stand correct in spirit therefore no longer fragmented – I is FREE!!!.


Hanzo Ariza-Bey. is currently the General manager, a 9th dan red belt, Hanshi, founder and present CEO to the AJWBA – a global governing authority, whose prime objective is to uphold and propagate the highest integrity and truest form of Budo through the teachings of the essential arts of Kuki Ryu, Yoshin Ryu Sogo-Bujutsu, ShoShima Ryu, and Kimbisa Yoga in accordance with the documented history, their families, and lineage. ALL ARE WELCOME REGARDLESS OF OTHER AFFILIATIONS - THIS IS AN ALLIANCE - WE WORK, GROW AND EVOLVE TOGETHER. Hanshi has completed his doctorate dissertations and holds thesis for professorship in Asian philosophy and martial arts He is the Founder and head master to the Kuki Ryu Ninpo - a Shinobi tradition, the Yoshin Ryu SogoBujutsu - a Samurai tradition, and Soke to the Shodoshima Ryu Karate tradition, and Fouder of Kimbisa Yoga. These disciplines are taught worldwide at the Five Rings Centers International under the guidelines of the AJWBA, and the management of HA-BEY LOGISTICS, LLC Hanshi is a Life-Coach, healer, historical researcher, philosopher, orator, writer and electrical engineer with over 45 years of experience. Additionally, Hanshi also holds Shin, 7th-degree black belt in contemporary Shinobi-Jutsu, 7th Dan in Jujutsu, 7th Dan in Kobujutsu (Weaponry) from the late, Professor Ronald Duncan Sr; a Masters in Asian philosophy. HE TRAVELS THE WORLD HOLDING SEMINARS AND CLINICS.