The Samurai mind knows of fear but notof defeat; he carries a stillness of the heart, for he
understand that his path is not driven by complacency nor fortune but by the service he
renders as he walks in a real between life and death. Destiny is not left to chance but by his
own choice. The Samurai practitioner must be well grounded in his concept of reality
because he is dealing freely and opened heartedly with people’s concepts of truth and
falsehood. To prevent becoming lost, misguided, or swallowed up by people’s deception,
greed or awareness altering, the Samurai practitioner must maintain Seishin or ‘resolved’
purity of heart.
The Samurai practitioner carries the truth in his heart. His intentions remain resolute in his
heart, and in his mind. He is totally honest with himself at all levels of introspection. He does
not venture in the realm of falsehood and untruth for the chance is too great of a loss of heart, and he can no longer serve, should he fails to stand
with honor. He illuminates everyone else with the brightness he carries in his heart.